Wednesday, June 30, 2010

April Fools... A Bit Late

So, I hate to make another baby related post... so this will be short and sweet. I already posted this on facebook (gotta keep the universe updated). We seriously consider deleting our accounts every week! But, we have for years so it most likely will never happen.

Our, thought to be, baby girl is actually a baby boy!! What a little stinker for playing a trick on us! My mom already bought 4 little girl onesies (but she is always buying baby clothes, even if there isn't a baby due). I'm sure another girl will come along on the Eves side sometime soon.


Lacy said...

Ha ha! It's a good thing that no matter what the baby comes out as, it will still be loved!

Dasha said...

Oh man that's crazy! Good thing you guys hadn't bought a lot of stuff yet.

Baby Boy

Baby Boy